LiveSpace to Wordpess

I am still not sure of the full implication of this transition. Still, it comes to me as a nice surprise, since we have gone without a good blog platform by a foreign provider for a long time (just one big reason that this one will get blocked?) Let’s see how this will play out.


I am now using a free VPN service to (sort of) maintain this blog. What can go wrong will go wrong, eh?

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

Kagrra, Live




So much for the Moleskine

I heard about this ‘lengendary’ notebook and all the hypes a long time ago, and only recently did I actually see a real one in Fuzhou Road, Shanghai. The salesclerk reminded me that ‘these are really expensive.’ Well, I knew. People want to possess luxury goods, and they want to persuade themselves into buying them, and that was the reason I was there, but myth busted, I say, because at least I saw that Moleskines did break. The store has a good number of broken Moleskines as samples–they should have provided luxury pens for customers to write on, just to feel the paper! But the paper feels ‘normal’ by touch.

Went on to buy a one dollar notebook instead. Hey, this one does not show off an elastic string to bind your notebook, but am I worried about my notebook being flipped open carelessly all the time (no skeletons hidden inside anyway)? And it does not have a nice pocket for name cards… but, I can buy 20 of them for the money I will need to spend on a Moleskine of the same size.

So much for the luxury. I guess I am needlessly concerned about unimportant qualities (the niche and luxury qualities) of goods all the time, such as an Android phone or a Kindle, and on occasions paid more than I would later wish to pay, but this time rationality wins. Hell, the price tag made it a no-brainer…


从《新选组!》开始认识龙马 ,经历了《笃姬》,到现在的《龙马传》,再到在亚马逊上看《竜馬がゆく》的片断……真的是很想看关于龙马的这本书啊。于是乎昨天去上海外文书店看了,发现自己真的不大愿意花82块买一本文库本的……而且当时书店里也没有第一册。结果就意外的发现了关于西乡和大久保的《翔ぶが如く》,特价旧书25块一本,只可惜前两册被买走了。虽然书的成色只有7、8成,不过价格实在是便宜,所以毫不犹豫的就买了……上次那个没买齐一套的家伙不会在郁闷吧……现在的任务就是想办法收前两册。不过好在是历史小说,从第三册开始看也不觉得有什么大问题。



A blog for men

Stumbled upon this blog, and found it interesting. Ladies mat also be interested in checking out how peculiar men can be 😛

Here’s the link:


鉴于PDF的电子书和论文很多,今年年初关注过国内的电纸书,不过不怎么满意。现在美国那边新的Kindle DX Graphite降价了,确实对我又产生了诱惑,所以这两天又重新了解了一遍行情。结论是:等待。继续等待。原因如下:
  1. 屏幕过于脆弱。网上搜一下就知道了,Kindle的屏挂过,Onyx Boox挂过,Iriver Story挂过。因为是屏自身的原因,表面以下有一层玻璃,所以大概是电纸书就有不小心挂掉的可能性。电纸书这玩意儿最贵的就是屏,6寸屏换一块要7、8百,绝对是要把人逼疯的价格。我问汉王的人为什么不做大屏的,回答是容易坏……
  2. 6寸屏太小,但是看PDF再怎么切边还是不够大。字确实能够看清楚,不过太费劲了。本来买电纸书就是因为它保护眼睛,这么小的字反而要把眼睛看坏了。9.7的屏看上去很爽,不过有点重,倒也还凑合。其实可能最好的是8寸的机子,但是只有IRex有出,狂贵,而且IRex还破产了……10寸机国内市场上只有欣博阅G10这一款。问题接着就来了。
  3. 大部分电纸书对PDF的支持有限。欣博阅的表现跟大部分电纸书一样,相当糟糕。除了Iriver Story、Onyx Boox和EDO e602可以读取我常看的包含OCR信息的扫描版PDF,不过Boox不能正确显示日文PDF。而且以上这三款都是6寸的,小啊。汉王的经销商最多了,不过感觉除了手写支持出色以外,作为电纸书真的是太一般了。除非……
  4. 除非你卖便宜一点啊。动辄2000多人民币,还有以上这么多缺点,让人怎么接受……

关于最新降价的Kindle DX Graphite使用的屏,Amazon没有提到是玻璃或是塑料或是金属的衬板(substrate),估计还是玻璃的,所以不大敢买。要不然重就重一点了,还是大的看起来舒服。


Being confident without annoying others

From the NYTimes Magazine:

I don’t have much to say. I am certainly optimistic. Overconfident? No. But it is hard to find a balanced position. Among this cohort of overconfident people, if you show a trace of self-doubt you would probably be deemed as truly inept. It is not about if I am overconfident or not; it really is about if my interviewers think if I am overconfident or not—and I guess it is a good bet for the interviewer to assume every interviewee to be so.

OK, so I guess it all boils down to the ability to be confident without annoying others, and this should be possible. You are who you are, but you are also what people think you are. Always relative, eh?



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