on Eternity

Is there eternity? This is quite a confusing question–at least many people have hoped that there is. However, it is clear that no one escapes death–and seemingly, everything has a beginning and an end–therefore eternity is only a nonexistent ideal.
In spite of this, people have not given up the pursuit for eternity. Numerous emperors had looked for the elixir of life; warriors had protected their falling regimes; merchants had gone to great length to keep their brandname–none succeeded.
But medical service does prolong our lives considerably; and despite uncontrollable departures, there are also numerous reunions each year; and thanks to technology that our thoughts can easily survive our the limit of our lives–there is something we can do here.
We can choose a healthier life-style, though we can’t live forever; we can keep in touch and plan reunion, though we can’t prevent departure; we can make the most within the limit, though we can’t break the limit and reach eternity.
And this right is no more a privilege of the rich and the strong; today with the help of technology, even the blind can see, the deaf can hear, and the dumb can speak–today we are enabled.
We are enabled to hear each other, see each other, in short, to keep in contact with each other and make that relationship stable and reliable, despite the spatial and chronological discrepancies; there aren’t so many impossible things, as long as we are tough in our spirit.
It is no evasion–you cannot be tough by being depressed and pretend to be courageous in that you can keep the depression to yourself. Only the ones that can face life upright and optimistic are truly tough and unbreakable.
So why ask for eternity? Knowing that there’s no such thing as eternity will not scare us; but to know is not enough. Take action today and get your loved ones back to your life, your dreams back to mind, and your life back to track. There are chances that you will fail–but you’ll fail anyway if you just do nothing; and even you fail, you understand that things do end, and you can choose to start afresh.

Frenzy!!! :D

Got up at ten, and didn’t feel like reciting words… Making some graphics using photoshop to kill time… Gmail… Chat… So sweet… But when I realized that I still hadn’t done anything about GRE, it was already 3 pm, and I went on wasting another half an hour before I could really get down to think about all those abstruse GRE issue topics…
Guess what, I wrote 20 outlines in two and a half hours! I usually would waste a whole day to do just that! I don’t know why, but I have been so high today; hehe, maybe I have affected by a magic power: everything is easy 🙂 You just need some time.
Usually after upgrade, frenzy will be a permanent attribute–that’s for Warcraft though… I may not keep this momentum tomorrow, but this is just why momentum is so dear 🙂 I shall finish the issue topics tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow… That’s it; it’s done. But then I still have argument topics… Endless…
Keep going…
Another frenzy will come 😛